A git cheat sheet is one of the go-to commands for all the developers. It not only saves developers important time but also makes us feel good to share our work among developer communities.
These are some very handy git commands which I am going to share and it's going to be very fruitful in our daily development life.
Often times we get stuck and can't remember the exact git command for the specific work so here u go with all these obsolete yet very essential cheat sheets.
Here you can download GIT for your machine and start working with it!
Cheat sheet starts here
git init
creates new repo inside the current directory
git init
git status
gives us the status of all the current files whether it has been added or not.
git status
git add .
adds up all the files for the next commit.
git add .
in case we want to add only a specific file for the next commit use the below syntax.
git add fileName
git add fileName
git commit -m
commit all local changes
git commit -m "my message goes here"
In case you are new to GIT and want to configure up your email & password follow the below commands.
git config --global user.name "yourName"
git config --global email.name "yourEmail.com"
git config --global user.name "yourName"
git config --global email.name "yourEmail.com"
Now you have committed all your changes and want to push your code to the git so before that follow below command in order to tell your local folder that where it need to push the code in the git.
git remote add origin URL
git remote add origin URL
NOTE: The URL we need to specify here is the new repo URL refer the below screenshot
git push -u origin master
pushes all our code base to the github repository.
git push -u origin master
Fetch latest changes from origin
git fetch
Pull latest changes from origin
git pull
commit all local changes
git commit -a
commit all previously staged changes
git commit -m "descriptive message"
push changes to origin
git push [origin] [branch]
create a new branch
git branch branchName
checkout out to any branch
git checkout branchName
Delete a branch
git delete -d branchName
Revert last commit
git revert HEAD (create a new commit)
Revert specific commit
git revert $id (creates a new commit)
Fix the last commit
git commit -a --amend
History of changes
git log
That's all for today. Hope this cheat sheet helps you in your daily development activities. Though it does not cover all the commands certainly a good guide to begin with.
Thanks a lot for taking out your precious time to take a look hope it helps you!