All about DOM " How does the browser talk to JS ??

All about DOM " How does the browser talk to JS ??

Master DOM, DOM API, and Browser's interaction with JS.


4 min read

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The DOM is a tree structure that represents the HTML of the websites. And every element of this HTML is called a node

More specifically, to understand node it's important to understand DOM which stands for Document Object Model. DOM is a tree-like structure where all the elements, attributes, text, etc.. are in a hierarchical structure. And each individual element present in this DOM is known as Node.

Refer to the below diagram ๐Ÿ‘€


The topmost node is the HTML which has two child head & body. Further body is the parent node for h1 & ul & head is the parent node for the title & the meta tags.

  • Every node has a node type, node name & node value property.

  • Most commonly 4 types of nodes are present

    • Document node
    • Element node
    • Text node
    • Comment node


Any new line or space are valid characters (like numbers & letters) and they are considered as part of the DOM

With 2 exceptions

  1. spaces & new lines before head are ignored.

  2. spaces & new lines after body are removed & placed inside body element.


Though it sounds like a heavy jargon word to understand it's extremely easy and simple. To understand this let's take a couple of steps back and traverse to DOM

NOTE: After going through the below points you'll get the key to understanding DOM & DOM-API mechanism.

  • DOM is the browser's visual representation of the page (website).

  • Browser gives us access to this structure (DOM) via DOM-API.

  • DOM API gives us many methods to access DOM.

  • Finally, we use JavaScript to execute these methods.

In a nutshell, we can say Browser uses DOM to talk with JavaScript.

DOM is NOT just designed for Javascript

How to access DOM โ“


To access DOM typically we have 5 ways.

  • document.getElementById() - returns element object.
    • This was historically the most common method.
    • It returns 1 element with the id we specify.
    • id has to be unique within a page.
  • document.getElementsByClassName() - returns HTML collection
    • Returns the collection of all the elements in the document that contains the specified class name as an HTML collection.
  • document.getElementByTagName() - returns HTML collection
    • Returns the collection of all the elements in the document that contain the specified tag name as an HTML collection.
  • document.querySelector() - returns element object.

    • This function takes 1 argument being the CSS selector for the element we wish to find.

    • This returns the 1st element it finds.

  • document.querySelectorAll() - returns NodeList.

    • This is quite similar to the querySelector method but the only difference is it doesn't return a single element

    • Instead, what gets returned is an array-like collection of node elements.

      To have a better understanding of document.querySelectorAll() check the diagram below ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ


How to create an element through DOM manipulation โ“

โœ๏ธ The most common way to create an element is createElement


Adds an HTML element to the DOM

SYNTAX: document.createElement('p');

  • This will create a para tag to the HTML file.
  • The above syntax is nothing but DOM manipulation.
        let newPara = document.createElement('p');

        // Adding text to this newly created element

        newPara.textContent = "I am a brand new para";

In order to add newPara to the DOM, we need to perform the below steps

  1. Find a parent :

    • let's grab the parent

        let bodyElement = document.querySelector('body);
      1. Attach it to the parent :


Now, we have learned how to create a new element and add it to the HTML element.

Congrats! you have just unlocked the integral concept of doing DOM manipilation

We could have used innerHTML instead of textContent โ“

YES, but it has some disadvantages.

  • innerHTML exposes our site to possible cross-site scripting as inline JS can be added to an element.

  • textContent is safer as it scripts out the HTML tag.

    NOTE: we could have used other methods as well instead of appendChild() like insertBefore.


  • Whenever we want to remove any element this DOM API method comes into an action.

NOTE: We can also implement a new method provided by DOM API which is remove().

Before I sign out ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

Thanks a ton to read this article. It took plenty of time for me to first make a proper understanding of DOM, DOM API, and DOM manipulation then simplify it in simple words which may save you time. I hope this article comes in very handy for your day-to-day development & learning process. Definitely would give you a better understanding of DOM.

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